MORE than an event, it's a MOVEMENT
This promises to be a men’s event that tackles issues that every man faces – pornography, fatherhood, finances, and being a leader in the family. ManUP is an event made by men, for men, to help men. It is unlike anything you have ever experienced.
JANUARY 17 - 18 2025
$25 - Pay at the Door | FREE T-Shirt, Snacks, Breakfast/Lunch
Day 1 - Doors open at 6:00 pm | Event starts at 7:00 pm
Day 2 - Breakfast at 8:00 am | Event starts at 9:00 am
Inspiring Talks
You can expect speakers that captivate you with their transparency and passion for the gospel
Authentic Worship
Real Men Sing Real Loud.
Ten years ago, we set out to challenge men to be men of biblical character and integrity. To be better spiritual leaders in their homes, churches, places of work, in their marriages, and in their parenting. ManUp is a movement that challenges men to get rid of the junk in their lives, to repent, refresh, and renew.
1 Corinthians 16:13 - Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.
ManUp Year #1 - As a visual representation of God "blowing up" the sin in our lives, we challenged men to write down the sin in their lives that was dragging them down. We placed those in a junk car and blew it to smithereens!
ManUp Year number 12 - The vision hasn't changed. Men still need to be encouraged to step up and be the spiritual leaders the Lord has called them to be.